Afraid of Losing You

Afraid of Losing You


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DO i Love You??

What sort of title have i given to this posting.. I should have rethought about it.. but more than thinking about it i am thinking about those words u said to my friend.. as that u love me and you can't accept it just because u can't go against your parents and if you do so it will be a cheating.

After hearing to this really my respect towards you increased.. The only question i ask myself now is do i LOVE You?? or am i a Friend of you?? till now i haven't got answer for this. Don't know why whenever i want to make some important decisions i will have two options to confuse me even now..

When ever i call you i want to ask you this question.. But i don't have mouth to ask all these to you don't know why now a days when i call you i want to keep talking to you with out reasons for long time. I don't want to cut down your calls at all. 

Am i getting addicted to you?? Uff!! no answer.. what ever i ask myself i don't have answers for my questions.. i cant ask those to you because i don't want to loose you again and again and again.. It hurts a lot when you are not around me. 
at least i need your messages and your voice to regain my strengths... I think am not a friend of you i know you cant accept me as your lover but still I LOVE YOU my dream girl........ :) <3
